Source code for libra.variability

This variability could be granulation, or something else.
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

gp_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data',

__all__ = ['spitzer_variability']

[docs]def spitzer_variability(times, seed=None): """ Mimic unidentified variability observed at 4.5 um in Spitzer. Mimic the variability observed at 4.5 um in the Spitzer observations of TRAPPIST-1 from Delrez et al. 2018, by interpolating from a gaussian process fit to the observations with transits and flares removed.. Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` seed : int or float random seed (can be specified for reproducibility) Returns ------- f : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes to be multiplied by your time series """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) duration = times.max() - times.min() gp_time, gp_flux = np.loadtxt(gp_path, unpack=True) f = interp1d(gp_time, gp_flux, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) if duration > gp_time.max() - gp_time.min(): raise NotImplementedError() t_start = (gp_time.ptp() - duration) * np.random.rand() times_from_zero = times - times.min()
return f(times_from_zero + t_start) + 1