Source code for libra.spectra.spectrum

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import os
from import fits
import astropy.units as u
import h5py
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import h, c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['Spectrum1D', 'ObservationArchive', 'nirspec_pixel_wavelengths',
           'Simulation', 'Spectra1D', 'n_photons']

bg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'data', 'etc',

wl_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'data', 'etc',

outputs_dir_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'data',

JWST_aperture_area = 25 * u.m**2

[docs]def nirspec_pixel_wavelengths():
return fits.getdata(wl_path)['WAVELENGTH'] *
[docs]class Spectrum1D(object): def __init__(self, wavelength, flux, error=None, header=None, t_eff=None): self.wavelength = wavelength self.flux = flux self.error = error self.header = header self.t_eff = t_eff
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(self.wavelength, self.flux, **kwargs)
return ax
[docs] @u.quantity_input(new_wavelengths=u.m) def interp_flux(self, new_wavelengths): f = interp1d(self.wavelength.value, self.flux, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) interped_fluxes = f(new_wavelengths) if hasattr(self.flux, 'unit') and self.flux.unit is not None: return interped_fluxes * self.flux.unit
return interped_fluxes def __add__(self, other_spectrum): # if not hasattr(other_spectrum, 'wavelength'): # raise NotImplementedError() # # interp_flux = (np.interp(other_spectrum.wavelength.value, # self.wavelength.value, self.flux.value) * # self.flux.unit) if not other_spectrum.wavelength == self.wavelength: raise NotImplementedError() return Spectrum1D(other_spectrum.wavelength, self.flux + other_spectrum.flux, header=self.header) def __rmul__(self, multiplier): # if not np.isscalar(multiplier): # raise NotImplementedError() return Spectrum1D(self.wavelength, multiplier * self.flux, header=self.header)
[docs] def n_photons(self, wavelengths, exp_time, J): """ Estimate the number of photons received from a target with J magnitude ``J`` over exposure time ``exp_time``. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelengths to test exp_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Exposure time J : float J-band magnitude of the target Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Counts that reach the telescope at each wavelength """ if not hasattr(self.flux, 'unit'): raise NotImplementedError("Flux must have units") interped_fluxes = self.interp_flux(wavelengths) delta_lambda = np.nanmedian(np.diff(wavelengths)) n_photons_template = (interped_fluxes * wavelengths / h / c * JWST_aperture_area * delta_lambda * exp_time).decompose().value relative_target_flux = 10**(0.4 * (float(self.header['J']) - J))
return relative_target_flux * n_photons_template
[docs]def n_photons(wavelengths, fluxes, exp_time, J, header): """ Estimate the number of photons received from a target with J magnitude ``J`` over exposure time ``exp_time``. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelengths to test exp_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Exposure time J : float J-band magnitude of the target Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Counts that reach the telescope at each wavelength """ if not hasattr(fluxes, 'unit'): raise NotImplementedError("Flux must have units") delta_lambda = np.nanmedian(np.diff(wavelengths)) n_photons_template = (fluxes * wavelengths / h / c * JWST_aperture_area * delta_lambda * exp_time).decompose().value relative_target_flux = 10**(0.4 * (float(header['J']) - J))
return relative_target_flux * n_photons_template
[docs]class Spectra1D(object): def __init__(self, wavelength, flux, error=None, header=None, t_eff=None): self.wavelength = wavelength self.flux = flux self.error = error self.header = header self.t_eff = t_eff
[docs] @u.quantity_input(new_wavelengths=u.m) def interp_flux(self, new_wavelengths): f = interp1d(self.wavelength.value, self.flux, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, axis=1) interped_fluxes = f(new_wavelengths) if hasattr(self.flux, 'unit') and self.flux.unit is not None: return interped_fluxes * self.flux.unit
return interped_fluxes
[docs] def n_photons(self, wavelengths, exp_time, J): """ Estimate the number of photons received from a target with J magnitude ``J`` over exposure time ``exp_time``. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelengths to test exp_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Exposure time J : float J-band magnitude of the target Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Counts that reach the telescope at each wavelength """ if not hasattr(self.flux, 'unit'): raise NotImplementedError("Flux must have units") interped_fluxes = self.interp_flux(wavelengths) delta_lambda = np.nanmedian(np.diff(wavelengths)) n_photons_template = (interped_fluxes * wavelengths / h / c * JWST_aperture_area * delta_lambda * exp_time).decompose().value relative_target_flux = 10**(0.4 * (float(self.header['J']) - J))
return relative_target_flux * n_photons_template
[docs]class ObservationArchive(object): def __init__(self, fname, mode='r', outputs_dir=None): if outputs_dir is None: outputs_dir = outputs_dir_path self.path = os.path.join(outputs_dir, fname + '.hdf5') self.target_name = fname self.archive = None self.mode = mode def __enter__(self): self.archive = h5py.File(self.path, self.mode) planets = [i for i in list('bcdefgh') if i in self.archive] for planet in planets: simulations = [] for iteration in self.archive[planet]: attrs = dict(self.archive[planet][iteration].attrs) simulations.append(Simulation(self.archive[planet][iteration], attrs=attrs, path="/{0}/{1}/".format(planet, iteration))) setattr(self, planet, simulations) return self def __exit__(self, *args):
[docs]class Simulation(object): def __init__(self, observation, attrs=None, path=None): self.observation = observation self.attrs = attrs self.path = path @property def times(self): return self.observation['times'][:] @property def areas(self): return self.observation['spotted_area'][:] @property def spitzer_var(self): return self.observation['spitzer_var'][:] @property def flares(self): return self.observation['flares'][:] @property def fluxes(self): return self.observation['fluxes'][:] @property def spectra(self): return self.observation['spectra'][:] @property def samples_depth(self): return self.observation['samples/depth'][:] @property def samples_t0(self): return self.observation['samples/t0'][:] @property def samples_amp(self): return self.observation['samples/amp'][:] @property def samples_log_S0(self): return self.observation['samples/log_S0'][:] @property def samples_log_omega0(self): return self.observation['samples/log_omega0'][:] # @property # def samples_log_a(self): # return self.observation['samples/log_a'][:] @property def samples_median(self): samples = (self.samples_log_S0, self.samples_log_omega0, self.samples_amp, self.samples_depth, self.samples_t0) return np.array([np.median(s) for s in samples])
[docs] def plot(self): wl = nirspec_pixel_wavelengths() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(14, 6)) ax[0, 0].plot(self.times, self.areas) ax[0, 0].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Spotted area') ax[0, 1].plot(self.times, self.fluxes) ax[0, 1].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Stellar flux') monochromatic_flares = np.sum(self.flares, axis=1) monochromatic_flares /= np.median(monochromatic_flares) ax[0, 2].plot(self.times, monochromatic_flares) ax[0, 2].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Flare flux') ax[0, 3].plot(self.times, self.spitzer_var) ax[0, 3].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Spitzer var.') ax[0, 4].plot(self.times, self.transit) ax[0, 4].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Transit') ax[1, 0].imshow(self.spectra, extent=[0.6, 5.3, 0, self.times.ptp()]) ax[1, 0].set(title='Spectrophotometry', aspect=3/(self.times.ptp()), xlabel='Wavelength [$\mu$m]', ylabel='Time [d]') short_bin = np.sum(self.spectra[:, :100], axis=1) mid_bin = np.sum(self.spectra[:, 100:200], axis=1) long_bin = np.sum(self.spectra[:, 200:], axis=1) ax[1, 1].plot(self.times, long_bin/long_bin.max(), ',', color='C0', label=r'{0:.2f}-{1:.2f} $\mu$m' .format(wl[0].value, wl[100].value)) ax[1, 2].plot(self.times, mid_bin/mid_bin.max(), ',', color='C2', label=r'{0:.2f}-{1:.2f} $\mu$m' .format(wl[100].value, wl[200].value)) ax[1, 3].plot(self.times, short_bin/short_bin.max(), ',', color='r', label=r'{0:.2f}-{1:.2f} $\mu$m' .format(wl[200].value, wl[-1].value)) ax[1, 4].plot(self.times, np.sum(self.spectra, axis=1), ',') ax[1, 4].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='NIRSpec counts', title='Band-integrated') for axis in [ax[1, 1], ax[1, 2], ax[1, 3]]: axis.get_shared_y_axes().join(axis, ax[1, 1]) axis.legend() axis.set_xlabel('Time') axis.set_ylabel('Flux') fig.tight_layout()
return fig, ax