Source code for libra.flares

import os
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from scipy.stats import poisson
from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_lambda

__all__ = ['flare_flux', 'inject_flares', 'inject_example_flare',

trappist_ffd_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'flares',

trappist_flares_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'flares',

def f_rise(t_half):
    Davenport+ 2014 Eqn. 1
    return (1 + 1.941 * t_half - 0.175 * t_half**2 -
            2.246 * t_half**3 - 1.125 * t_half**4)

def f_decay(t_half):
    Davenport+ 2014 Eqn. 4
    return 0.6890 * np.exp(-1.600 * t_half) + 0.3030 * np.exp(-0.2783 * t_half)

[docs]def flare_flux(times, flare_epoch, delta_f, half_width): """ Generate a flare that follows the flux distribution from Davenport et al. 2014. Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times of observations flare_epoch : float Time at maximum flare flux delta_f : float Maximum flux (measured up from zero) half_width : float Full-width at half maximum flux, in the same time units as ``times`` Returns ------- flux : `~numpy.ndarray` Flare fluxes at ``times`` """ scaled_times = (times - flare_epoch) / half_width flux = np.zeros_like(times) rise = (scaled_times < 0) & (scaled_times > -1) decay = scaled_times >= 0 flux[rise] = f_rise(scaled_times[rise]) flux[decay] = f_decay(scaled_times[decay])
return flux * delta_f def proxima_flare_freq(flare_energy): """ Frequency of flares of given energy on Proxima Cen, from Davenport 2016 Parameters ---------- flare_energy : float Energy of the flare (ergs) Returns ------- frequency : float Frequency of flares of energy ``flare_energy`` """ return 10**(-0.68 * np.log10(flare_energy) + 20.9) * u.d**-1 def proxima_flare_amplitude(flare_energy): """ Relative peak fluxes of flares given energy on Proxima Cen, Davenport 2016 Parameters ---------- flare_energy : float Energy of the flare (ergs) Returns ------- amplitude : float Peak relative flux during flare """ return 10**(0.48 * np.log10(flare_energy) - 13.6) def get_flare_durations(observation_duration, verbose=False, min_flare_log_dur=0, max_flare_log_dur=3.5): # min_flare_log_dur=1, max_flare_log_dur=3.5): """ For an observation of length ``observation_duration``, return energies of all flares that will occur. Assuming we truncate the flare distribution on ``(min_flare_log_dur, max_flare_log_dur)``. """ log_dur_range = np.linspace(min_flare_log_dur, max_flare_log_dur, 100) best_fit_params = np.array([-0.19222414, 0.49275852]) log_nu_fit = np.polyval(best_fit_params, log_dur_range) log_nu_fit[log_dur_range < 0.5] = 0.45 counts_decimal = observation_duration * (10**log_nu_fit / counts = np.max([np.floor(counts_decimal).value, np.zeros(len(counts_decimal))], axis=0) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(log_dur_range, counts_decimal) # plt.plot(log_dur_range, counts) # observed_flare_durs = [] for integer in np.unique(counts): # Minimum dur min_dur = np.min(log_dur_range[counts == integer]) # Maximum dur max_dur = np.max(log_dur_range[counts == integer]) # Randomly draw an integer number of flares from this duration range sample_dur = ((max_dur - min_dur)*np.random.rand(int(integer)) + min_dur) if verbose: print("min={0:.2f}, max={1:.2f}, samples={2}".format(min_dur, max_dur, sample_dur)) observed_flare_durs.extend(sample_dur) return 10**np.array(observed_flare_durs) * u.s def inject_flares_total_flux(times, seed=None): """ Inject flares into a transit light curve at ``times`` Model the flare rate as a Poisson process with rate parameter set by the K2 flare frequency - 11 flares in 78.8 days. Draw random variates from that Poisson distribution and assign properties to the flares from the K2 observations. Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times of observations Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes with flares added. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) halfdur, peakflux = np.loadtxt(trappist_flares_path, unpack=True) cadence_dt = times[1] - times[0] flare_rate = cadence_dt * (11 / 78.8) # flare rate observed by K2 r = poisson.rvs(flare_rate, size=times.shape[0]) n_flares = np.sum(r) flare_times = times[r.astype(bool)] flux = np.zeros(len(times)) for i in range(n_flares): rand_samp = np.random.randint(0, len(peakflux)) flux += flare_flux(times, flare_times[i], peakflux[rand_samp] - 1, halfdur[rand_samp]) return flux
[docs]def inject_flares(wavelengths, times, seed=None): """ Inject flares into a transit light curve at ``times`` at ``wavelengths`` Model the flare rate as a Poisson process with rate parameter set by the K2 flare frequency - 11 flares in 78.8 days. Draw random variates from that Poisson distribution and assign properties to the flares from the K2 observations. Assume a 10000 K blackbody for flares. Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times of observations Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes with flares added. """ total_flux = inject_flares_total_flux(times, seed=seed) bb = blackbody_lambda(wavelengths, 10000).value bb_flux_total = np.sum(bb) # total flux from flare in bandpass
return bb / bb_flux_total * total_flux[:, np.newaxis] def inject_microflares_total_flux(times, seed=None): """ Inject flares into a transit light curve at ``times`` Model the flare rate as a Poisson process with rate parameter set by the K2 flare frequency - 11 flares in 78.8 days. Draw random variates from that Poisson distribution and assign properties to the flares from the K2 observations. Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times of observations Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes with flares added. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) #halfdur, peakflux = np.loadtxt(trappist_flares_path, unpack=True) cadence_dt = times[1] - times[0] #flare_rate = cadence_dt * 1 # flare rate observed by K2 #r = poisson.rvs(flare_rate, size=times.shape[0]) #n_flares = np.sum(r) #flare_times = times[r.astype(bool)] n_flares = 3 flare_times = (times[-1] - times[0])*np.random.rand(n_flares) + times[0] flux = np.zeros(len(times)) for i in range(n_flares): flux += flare_flux(times, flare_times[i], 0.5, 1/60/24) return flux
[docs]def inject_microflares(wavelengths, times, seed=None): """ Inject flares into a transit light curve at ``times`` at ``wavelengths`` Model the flare rate as a Poisson process with rate parameter set by the K2 flare frequency - 11 flares in 78.8 days. Draw random variates from that Poisson distribution and assign properties to the flares from the K2 observations. Assume a 10000 K blackbody for flares. Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times of observations Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes with flares added. """ total_flux = inject_microflares_total_flux(times, seed=seed) bb = blackbody_lambda(wavelengths, 10000).value bb_flux_total = np.sum(bb) # total flux from flare in bandpass
return bb / bb_flux_total * total_flux[:, np.newaxis]
[docs]def inject_example_flare(wavelengths, times, epoch, ind=0): """ Inject example flare. Assume a 10000 K blackbody for flares. Parameters ---------- times : `~numpy.ndarray` Times of observations Returns ------- fluxes : `~numpy.ndarray` Fluxes with flares added. """ halfdur, peakflux = np.loadtxt(trappist_flares_path, unpack=True) total_flux = flare_flux(times, epoch, peakflux[ind] - 1, halfdur[ind]) bb = blackbody_lambda(wavelengths, 10000).value bb_flux_total = np.sum(bb) # total flux from flare in bandpass
return bb / bb_flux_total * total_flux[:, np.newaxis]